Tuesday 4 December 2012

100 months with Mr. "Meant-For-Me"

Everyone has their own definition of true love. Mine is simple, it's God's gift. He will give it to you in His perfect time.

Falling in love with bykoi and him falling in love with me is way beyond imagination. In college, even if we are in the same school and same course, I never thought that we are destined for each other until the time came that he started to notice me (because I'm brainy daw, Thank God for that!). But the "Insecure ME" kept on denying and evading what God wanted us to be. It took 8 months before I finally gave in and let love rule over my mind.

By then our relationship has went through a lot. The first three months was never easy. It's as if everything went so wrong. A lot of tears been cried. A lot of things I need to bear that letting go seemed to be the best option. But it's definitely not what God planned for us. He graces us with so much love to help us surpass everything.

And today, we are celebrating our 100th monthsary. We may be miles apart and the time difference sucks, in our hearts I know how thankful we are for having each other. And we'll never give up on us for the rest of our lives. One great true Love it is!

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